H - Disparates – Various Pages and Articles

(H 01) - Dean of Faculties Prof. RNDr. Ivan Netulka, DrSc.–Three Times and Away 09.11.2004 
(H 02) - The Book by Martin Rees - Our Phenomenal Universe - Presentation
(H 03) - Mr. Cejka - Nineteen Years Old - Is Criticizing of My Work 30.03.2003
(H 04) - I Am Writing a Letter to Mr. Jiri Wojnar after Dialogue about Ether  23.09.2004
(H 05) - Expansion of Universe - Figure
(H 06) - The Surface Equals Its Double Vector
(H 07) - Parabola As Expression of Relativity of the Scale Factors
(H 08) - The Pythagorean Little House for Lorentz
(H 09) - Other People’s Ideas on This Hypothesis
(H 10) - ..... Indeed and That’s the Matter Though 24.11.2004
(H 11) - Explanation of the Root and M-M Experiment to Prof. Vyborny
(H 12) - My Problem for Mathematician
(H 13) - Formation of Attitude towards the Anthropic Principle 21.12.2004
(H 14) - The Hot Potatoe, The Anthropic Principle 04.12.2004
(H 15) - Ether - Preface + My Commentary 18.09.2004
(H 16) - Big Bang Theory with Comments 15.04.2003
(H 17) - Space-Time and the Strings - Figure
(H 18) - Mr. Zoe and Me - Dialogue 26.02.2002
(H 19) - The Linde’s Inflation after 25 Years 22.02.2005
(H 20) - Some of Physicists Keep Silent Wisely  23.02.2005
(H 21) - Parameters and Constants Were Not Harmonized within the Big Bang  28.02.2005
(H 22) - Existence of Other Life in Universe  + Commentary                      08.07.2003
(H 23) - Mr. Fabinger Discourses More Dimensions of Time 
(H 24) - The Galaxy As a Gramophone Record
(H 25) - Time and Creation of My Visions  ( It Is Continued ) 02.05.2005
(H 26) - I Began to Write My Life Story 10.02.2002
(H 27) - Mr. Motl and Dark Mass in Galaxy ( In-Process) 12.11.2004
(H 28) - Dr. Pavel Voracek 21.12.2004. - On How the Universe Has Arisen + My Entry       17.12.2004
(H 29) - Mr.J.Dolejsi  - Quantization of Time and Space + Comments  06.04.2005
(H 30) - The Second Thermodynamic Principle, Entropy, Arrow of Time  + Commentary           18.04.2005
(H 31) - Mr. Mgr. Tichy Vl. Alias S.D.Q. - The Hole in Physics + My Comments  27.04.2005
(H 32) - Debate with Mr. Srnka 28.04.2005
(H 33) - Does Evolution Go against Entropy ? 10.05.2005
(H 34) - Abstract from Correspondence - About Progression of Complexity 12.05.2005
(H 35) - Mr. Kulhanek’s Quantum Foam + My Supplement 23.05.2005
(H 36) - Journal of the 21st Century - Science and Indolence (H 37) - Mr. Emil Tykadlo - Unnoticed Response
(H 38) - Mr. Petrasek’s Review of My Hypothesis and My Response
(H 39) - Some Discussion Paper 02.07.2005
(H 40) - Pentaquark and My View 12.01.2004
(H 41) - Sometimes Some Appreciation from Unknown Author 06.08.2005
(H 42) - Unitary Theory Cannot Be Achieved Ever 06.08.2005
(H 43) - Second Time I Was Disinvited from Aldebaran 26.09.2005
(H 44) - Shortly about Hypothesis (in RAR)
(H 45) - Journal of the 21st Century overunity and Mr. Tykadlo
(H 46) - Mr. Hala - Of How I am Harmful to Hi
(H 47) -  Mr. Petrasek’s Denouncement - Journal of the 21st Century(H 48) -  The Isotopic Tank - 01 (in JPG)
(H 49) - Mr. JAMESSON - Dialogue On Gravity                                        10.07.2005
(H 50) - Wave Function and Sequence of the Levels/Stages
(H 51) - What Is Magnitude of the Physical Unit ? 23.11.2004(H 52) - The Primary Reason for Conservation Laws
(H 53) - The Order Shifts from Unit Selection Year 1995
(H 54) - The Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle September 2003
(H 55) - Mr.Srnka - On Aldebaran - Polemic over Imaginary Time 21.03.2005
(H 56) -  Prof Bicak Creatives and Outsider - Laic ( with Empty Pockets) Is Astonished 18.02.2006
(H 57) - Travelling in Time by Einstein’s Equations 19.08.2005
(H 58) - Mr Kukulin Advises to Me  02.03.2006
(H 59) - 3L + 3T  (3 dimenzion „L“ + 3 dimenzion „T“ )    11.04.2006 
(H 60) - I Compare My and String Theory        09.04.2006
(H 61) - Where Does the Arrow of Time Direct ?  - Author Mr. Petrasek + My Comments from 18.04.2006
(H 62) - Mr. Srnka and his Slew System
(H 63) - 18.01.2006 - My start of complex description
(H 64) - Discussion on czech university - 26.09.2005
(H 65) - Five cogitation steps
(H 66) - For Mr. Zephir - attempt at explication my hypotheses 13.09.2003
(H 67) - Quantum Mechanics and General Theory of Relativity (GTR) - cross - section mine hypothesis 08.10.2005
(H 68) - Mr. Srnka - on czech university - 28.7.05 said about geometrodynamics
(H 69) - Censorship Mr. Houser on Science World
(H 70) - Excerpt from Old Magea 2005

Under reconstruction

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